URUK Capital shares
Buy share capital of the company (URUK Holding Companies Automotive Industry Ltd.)
the company was registered in UK , company number 15086446, in 21 August 2023 in London, under the Companies Act 2006 as a private company , that the company is limited by shares, and the situation of its registered office is in England and Wales.
as by Law ( Articles of Association ) we offering to public a Number of shares of our Capital for sale, the price of each share is currently 1 US dollar + Commission 0.01
The buying and selling of shares is legal, and the company is provided with a contract and certificate of ownership of shares in URUK Company in accordance with the British Companies Act of 2006. As URUK Company’s policy of selling its shares differs from the rest of the shares of other companies:
* Offering the company’s shares in ascending order to the market value of the share in the following rounds
Bank :
For Buying URUK Holding Capital Share, By ( Europe Financial Center ) The Bank is has Protocol to buy and sell our share company, click on link official system :
Agent :
Our Approval Agent that can sell and buy our Share company is Dejla Broker ( Dejla Al Khair Commercial Broker )
there website :
Direct link for buy our share company by visa or master card online:
Our Approval